Strutsen sa for siden:
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Strutsen sa for siden:
m^2 sa for siden:
Tja, hva med å invitere til en engelsk- talende lunsj? :D Det er jo en fin måte å komme litt i gang på hvertfall.
Flere på jobben min har gått kurs hos kjenn europa, da på fransk-kurset og et av de andre kursene, men de har vært godt fornøyd med kursholder og standard. Men det blir kanskje litt overkill? :vetikke:
Dragen sa for siden:
You could even make it a fancy dinner. Just say when.
Your library might have some language tools or other ideas, have you been there latley?
Tjorven sa for siden:
Min erfaring med å bruke engelsk i jobbsammenheng er at det er så mange ord man ikke har inne. Heldigvis har jeg erfart at det fort blir bedre og at de fleste uansett synes at vi nordmenn er veldig gode i engelsk.
Palmen sa for siden:
Engelsk-talende lunsj, I am in!
Adrienne sa for siden:
If the palmtree is in, then I'm in too. Fancy dinner it is. :D Will there be wine? :blafre:
Hyacinth sa for siden:
Hmm. Pussig at denne lå øverst her akkurat når jeg ble bedt om å undervise i engelsk neste år. Jeg føler engelsken min er rusten etter lang tids fravær og fikk litt angst. Men det går vel bra.
Wix sa for siden:
I suggest that you go to the library and find some novels you want to read, and then go home and read them. Much more fun that those language learning materials.
It might also be useful to read English texts out loud, just to get the hang of the pronunciation. Fancy dinners with English-speaking friends too, but I have always felt that it is more easy to talk English with non-Norwegian people.
Pamina sa for siden:
I am so in on an English speaking dinner or lunch.
Start reading nice literature to get going on the grammar and every day language. If you like nice chick lit start reading the Modern Witch series, it is fun and romantic and an easy read.
Rachel's holiday by Marian Keys is nice too.
Fluke sa for siden:
Jeg pleier lese engelske bøker, og føler det hjelper. Jeg snakker mye engelsk i jobbsammenheng og merker at jeg mangler litt høflighetsfraser og sånt, men det blir altså bedre av å lese bøker.
m^2 sa for siden:
I´ll be there with bells on :gladspøkels:
Galathea sa for siden:
Husker at jeg ble overrasket over at engelsken min plutselig var så mye bedre etter en preiode uten tv, jeg hadde nemlig hatt radioen på på kveldstid, med BBC :) Veldig fine engelsk-engelsk, og en del av programmene kan sikkert ligge opp mot business-tematikk.
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
You could also try my approach: Make sure your field of business is so limited that you not only can speak Norwegian all the time - you also never have to introduce yourself. If they haven't heard of you already, they're not important enough to waste time explaining.
I'm really writing this just to make sure I will be invited if there's actually a party coming. :blafre:
m^2 sa for siden:
And I think a bit of bubbly would be perfect to put us all in the mood for some outlandish babble :D
Or maybe even PIMMS? :hyper:
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
However - if you come across these guys, please do not take their advice. :nono:
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
M-second. If you hand over the bubbles to me, I will be happy to show my impressing German skills. :stolt:
(I tried to speak German at a gas-station in Germany. They felt so sorry for me they automatically switched to English.)
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
Palmen sa for siden:
I can't wait for this party! Oh, and Pamina, did you read the modern witch books? They are so much fun!
Adrienne sa for siden:
I love, love, love the Modern witch books. A new one is supposed to come out in June! :hyper:
Pamina sa for siden:
Yep, the modern witch books, and the Witches on parole books too (also very good), while waiting rather much for this June-book to arrive. I even befriended the author on Face Book to see if I could get the date. My Kindle is armed and ready to recieve.
Wix sa for siden:
Who is the author of those witch books?
Another possibility for practicing your English writing is to start threads and write comments at the Parent Portal (øh) in English. Without using google translate, of course.
vixen sa for siden:
I found one of my old papers the other day and seriously could not believe that I managed to produce stuff like that. Its only seven years since I finished at University of Auckland but it feels like seventy when I try to write in English.
Adrienne sa for siden:
The authors name is Debora Geary. The Palmtree got me hooked, but I don't blame her one bit.
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
The Palmtree. :haha:
Palmen sa for siden:
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
Isn't there a(n) ' (fnutt) missing there somewhere? :gruble:
Pamina sa for siden:
The apostrophy is missing from the author's name. You are correct Smily!
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
Pamina sa for siden:
Gosh, I feel almost like a teacher again.
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
See, Strutsen - Adri made a small mistake, and it went well with her.
(nevermind the iPad trying to replace well with weak. :dåne:)
Slettet bruker sa for siden:
Adrienne sa for siden:
Once a teacher, always a teacher. Obviously. :knegg:
Harriet Vane sa for siden:
Jeg leser kun engelske bøker og har gjort det siden jeg sluttet å studere. Jeg leser engelsk underholdning av alle slag og jeg kan sende deg bunkevis av lettbeinte bøker som øker ordforrådet og styrker bruken.
Pamina sa for siden:
Yep, but I must admit that, for the time being, I prefer this kind of teaching, no huge stacks to mark and the pupils that hated med last summer, really love me now I'm not there.
Still, Adri - your English is very good, and that silly little slip with the genitive 's, will probably never happen again.
Maz sa for siden:
I recommend audio books, depending on who is reading. I naturally prefer proper English.
Do not try to translate word by word but try to use english definitions on words and phrases.
For the teachers amongst you, do not rely on textbooks. With phrases like “glad to meet you” and vegetables like corncob passing both publishers and teachers without comment I find it amusing. (A corncob is the thing you leave behind. )
Kaktus sa for siden:
Don't learn from this video clip:
Pamina sa for siden:
Harry Potter - read by Stephen Fry are fantastic to listen to, especially if you notice the way the intonation is used in the dialogues. That is probably where most Norwenglish speakers fail. They sound like they are constantly asking questions.
Maz: I would not let corncob pass. :nono:
Maz sa for siden:
You restore my faith in the profession, but nevertheless if you check Stairs 3 it is a staple vegetable.
I LOVE Stephen Fry, watching QI og BBC entertainment is a good way to learn.
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