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Beatles-dom (


Fluke sa for siden:

Denne var fantastisk! :haha:

20-åringen var tiltalt for å ha stjålet øl i Montana, USA. Før dommen falt fikk øltyven selv sjansen til å komme med et forslag til hva straffen burde være.
Og McCormack skrev:
«Som The Beetles sier, Let It Be!» La det være...

Dommerens svar inneholdt 42 Beatles-titler:

«Hey Jude, Do You Want To Know A Secret? The greatest band in history spelled its name B-e-a-t-l-e-s.
Your response suggests there should be no consequences for your actions and I should Let It Be so you can live in Strawberry Fields Forever .
Such reasoning is Here, There And Everywhere. It does not require a Magical Mystery Tour of interpretation to know The Word means leave it alone. I trust we can all Come Together on that meaning.
If I were to overlook your actions I would ignore that Day In The Life on April 21, 2006. That night you said to yourself I Feel Fine while drinking beer. Later, whether you wanted Money or were just trying to Act Naturally you became the Fool On The Hill.
As Mr Moonlight at 1:30am you did not Think For Yourself but just focused on I, Me, Mine.
Because you didn't ask for Help, Wait for Something else, or listen to your conscience saying Honey Don't, the victim was later Fixing A Hole in the glass door you broke. After you stole the beer you decided it was time to Run For Your Life and Carry That Weight. But the witness said Baby It's You, the police said I'll Get You and you had to admit You Really Got A Hold On Me .
You were not able to Get Back home because of the Chains they put on you. Although you hoped the police would say I Don't Want To Spoil The Party and We Can Work It Out you were in Misery when they said you were a Bad Boy. When they took you to jail you experienced Something New as they said Hello Goodbye and you became a Nowhere Man.
Later you may have said I'll Cry Instead. Now you are saying Let It Be instead of I'm A Loser. As a result of your Hard Day's Night you are looking at a Ticket To Ride that Long And Winding Road to prison.
Hopefully you can say both now and When I'm 64 that I Should Have Known Better


Nenne sa for siden:

Herlig! I noen jobber er en sans for humor slettes ingen ulempe. :humre:


Enhjørning sa for siden:

Herlig dommer da!


Dixie Diner sa for siden:

Herregud så bra, haha jeg dauer! Fantastisk dommer. :haha:

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