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Social responsibility


Sitron sa for siden:

Test fra BBC.

You scored 41 out of a total of 44.
My Results

Your score puts you in the highest category of social reasoning. You will see ethical and moral values as important to the needs of society and will appeal to basic rights or values. You might say "Honesty is a standard which everyone should accept" or "Life is sacred."
Conformity to ethical norms is important to you, in terms of a responsibility, obligation or commitment for all individuals, although you may be willing to consider exceptions in some particular circumstances. You are likely to suggest that with entitlement or privilege comes responsibility.
You will appeal to considerations of responsible character or integrity in others, preferring a consistent or standard practice of behaviour in order to avoid damage to social institutions such as the legal system.
However, you will want to see an adjusted case-by-case application of standards for the sake of fairness to all people. Lastly, you are very likely to appeal to standards of individual or personal conscience, as well as of honour, dignity or integrity.


Inagh sa for siden:

You scored 41 out of a total of 44.

Og hva det betyr, kan dere lese under Sitron sitt svar.


Myrsnipa sa for siden:

sliten Hvor mange spørsmål var det? Gidder snart ikke mer.


Sitron sa for siden:

Det er bare 11, lol.


Adrienne sa for siden:

39 av 44, altså i samme kategori som Sitron.


Toffskij sa for siden:

40,5 og også med i Sitron-gjengen.


safran sa for siden:

38,5 og samme tekst som Sitron.


Myrsnipa sa for siden:


Var forresten på spørsmål 11 da jeg spurte i stad. :knegg:


Acsa sa for siden:

Jeg også. Det var da veldig så høyverdige og ansvarlige vi var her, da?


Mams sa for siden:

Jeg fikk 31 av 44 og dette:

Your score puts you in the mature category of social reasoning and the majority of people will have scores in this range. Thinking here transcends the practicalities of one's preferences and exchanges to an emphasis upon social feeling, caring and conduct.
You take into account the consequences of actions for other people, whether for benefit or harm, as a consideration in its own right for deciding how one should act towards others. You emphasise relationships, thinking how you might feel if you were on the receiving end. Empathy is important, as well as compassion.
You are likely to expect others to conform to normally expected conduct, reflecting on "common decency" and will think of the chaos caused by laws being broken. You will value, love and respect others, and appreciate some higher values, as well as speaking of the benefits of a clean conscience or pride.


Senna sa for siden:

Jeg fikk 33 av 44, og samme svaret som Mams.


Elin sa for siden:

37,5 av 44.


Skilpadda sa for siden:

Jeg fikk 34, og samme svaret som Mams og Senna.


Marit K sa for siden:

35,5 og dermed samme svar som Sitron


Nenne sa for siden:

You scored 33.5 out of a total of 44.


Muskat sa for siden:

You scored 33.5 out of a total of 44.


safran sa for siden:

Scoren synker stadig her inne. :knegg:


Mams sa for siden:

Jeg er og forblir dårligst. :sukk:
Tror ikke jeg passer her inne jeg altså :gaah:


Kaija sa for siden:


You scored 37.5 out of a total of 44.


Kirsebær sa for siden:

You scored 39.5 out of a total of 44.


Mani sa for siden:


You scored 43.5 out of a total of 44.
Audience's Scores

1 %1 %32 %66 %0-1112-2223-3334-44
My Results

Your score puts you in the highest category of social reasoning. You will see ethical and moral values as important to the needs of society and will appeal to basic rights or values. You might say "Honesty is a standard which everyone should accept" or "Life is sacred."
Conformity to ethical norms is important to you, in terms of a responsibility, obligation or commitment for all individuals, although you may be willing to consider exceptions in some particular circumstances. You are likely to suggest that with entitlement or privilege comes responsibility.
You will appeal to considerations of responsible character or integrity in others, preferring a consistent or standard practice of behaviour in order to avoid damage to social institutions such as the legal system.
However, you will want to see an adjusted case-by-case application of standards for the sake of fairness to all people. Lastly, you are very likely to appeal to standards of individual or personal conscience, as well as of honour, dignity or integrity.

Scores on the questionnaire form a scale that tracks the development of reasoning from childhood through to adulthood about social, ethical and moral issues. The original research using this questionnaire was conducted in the United States by Kohlberg and was followed up by John Gibbs, Karen Basinger and Dick Fuller.
Most children make decisions based on the influence of power and authority figures, progressing through an emphasis upon exchange relationships with others, then on to mutual and social expectations.
Some people progress to a level where they base their moral reasoning on universal values. Others become fixed at earlier stages depending upon circumstances. But recent research has suggested that it is possible to change the way you reason about your social responsibilities

Ja der ser dere :kry:


safran sa for siden:

Mani, du som kom så høyt - hva brukte du som forklaring på at man skal holde avtaler? Og krysset du av på "Very important" over hele linja?


Mani sa for siden:

Jeg krysset bare av på very importent ett sted. Forklaringen på å holde avtaler var at jeg syntes alle mennesker har en rett til å få overholdt avtaler de har gjort.


Divine sa for siden:

You scored 36.5 out of a total of 44.

Your score puts you in the mature category of social reasoning and the majority of people will have scores in this range. Thinking here transcends the practicalities of one's preferences and exchanges to an emphasis upon social feeling, caring and conduct.


Benzo sa for siden:

You scored 34.5 out of a total of 44.

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