Kalenderpiken sa for siden:
7. årgang
[1 Kanina] [2 Inagh] [3 Toffskij] [4 Ruslebiffen] [5 Magnolia] [6 Flubby]
7 Maverick [8 ingling] [9 Koma] [10 m^2] [11 vixen] [12 Joika]
[13 Skilpadda] [14 Serafin] [15 Heiko] [16 Che] [17 DM] [18 pøbelsara]
[19 Fersken] [20 Tallulah] [21 Ru] [22 LilleLeo] [23 Éowyn] [24 Tåtti][/CENTER]
Denne kalenderposten er full av juleblødmer og dårlige ordspill, så jeg sier som nissen: "Ho, ho, eh, ho!"
Why is it getting harder to buy Advent calendars?
- Because their days are numbered.
What happened to the man who stole an Advent Calendar?
- He got 25 days.
How do you know Santa is really a werewolf?
- He's got Santa Claws! ( :flau: )
Why don't you ever see Santa in a hospital?
- He's got private elf care.
What do angry mice send each other at Christmas?
- Cross mouse carschool ( :grineler: )
What's the difference between the ordinary alphabet and the Christmas alphabet?
- The Christmas alphabet has Noel.
What did Adam say to his wife the day before Christmas?
- It's Christmas, Eve!
Did Rudolph go to school?
- No, he was elf-taught.
What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?
- Horn-aments!
Why are Christmas trees bad sewers?
- They keep losing their needles!
What is the best Christmas present?
-A broken drum. You just can't beat it!