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Kasias quiz (Jeg vil også)


Røverdatter sa for siden:

Siden jeg er så dårlig til å svare på quizene så lager jeg en selv.
Du får oppgitt den første strofen, og må fortelle meg navn på artist og/eller låt. To poeng hvis du kan begge. Ett poeng ekstra hvis du vet opphavsmann, hvis det er coverlåt.
Dette er kjente slagere fra 60-tallet og fram til nå.

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.

Ikke juks! Fasit kommer når jeg finner det for godt. :knegg:


Isa sa for siden:

Guri meg, dette er jeg dårlig på! Kjenner igjen sang nr 5, men husker jo ikke noe mer enn det.

Men hadde jeg fått googlet derimot ;)


Marit K sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise
Soundgarden- Black hole sun

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    Beatles -Come together

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together
    Return - Bye bye Johnny

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.


Skilpadda sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

Københavnerkneipe, Kari Bremnes

2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner

Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega

3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  1. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise

Black Hole Sun, husker ikke navnet på bandet

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

Smoke on the Water, Deep Purple

7. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  1. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller

Come Together, The Beatles

9. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  1. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.

Ingen Cornelis Vreeswijk? :undrer:


Røverdatter sa for siden:

Bonus for deg:

  1. Det fans en gong två systrar i en liten by/ den ena var begangnad/ men den andra var ny


Toffskij sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)
    Kari Bremnes, husker ikke tittelen

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Suzanne Vega, Tom’s Diner

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise
Soundgarden, Black Hole Sun

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.

Eh, ja. Jeg begynte jo bra. :sparke:


Clubby sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner (Remixet i 1990 av DNA som fikk med seg Suzanne Vega på vokal)

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy
    Thin Lizzy - The Boy's Are Back In Town

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise
SoundGarden - Black Hole Sun

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time
    Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.


nolo sa for siden:

Klarte Kari Bremnes og Suzanne Vega. Jeg tror jeg er dum som et brød.(kjøpeloff)


Teofelia sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Suzanne Vega: Tom's Diner

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time
    Deep Purple: Smoke on the water

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    Beatles: Come together

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.

Hmmm … Dette kunne vel vært bedre. :gruble:


Tallulah sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Toms Diner - Suzanne Vega

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy
    The Boys are back in town - Thin Lizzy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise
Black hole sun - Soundgarden

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time
    Smoke on the water - Deep Purple

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    COme Together - Beatles

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

Bye Bye Johnny - Return (HA!)
  1. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.


Kaz sa for siden:



Toffskij sa for siden:

:grøsser: Det må være kanskje verdens aller fæleste sang. Huff!

Bye bye Johnny bye bye
It's not your fault that you died
But i can't help it
I got to ask a reason why you
Good ol' Johnny did die no one knows
So many of your friends cry


Røverdatter sa for siden:


Må jo ha litt humor her. :knegg:


Toffskij sa for siden:

Ja, jeg ler hver gang jeg tenker på den (det er heldigvis ikke så ofte, for problemet er at man får den på hjernen :grøsser: ).


Magica sa for siden:

Den er jo fin? ;)

Jeg har hatt store kvaler for å ikke jukse (google). Så jeg lar være. Jeg klarte samme som Marit K.


Tallulah sa for siden:


Men jeg tror kanskje jeg hadde litt kjærlighetsorg til den, før jeg oppfattet hvor pinlig dårlig engelsk de sang.


Røverdatter sa for siden:

Jeg var på Return konsert på ungdomsklubben da jeg var 11 og for ung til egentlig å komme inn. Mannen min spilte i et av oppvarmingsbanda uten at jeg visste det. :blafre:

Han hater forøvrig Return og ville sikkert skilt seg om han visste at jeg lagde quizer med Bye, bye Johnny. :knegg:


Jr. sa for siden:

Jeg er så null at jeg burde egentlig lage en quiz selv :sparke:


Røverdatter sa for siden:


And the winner is:
GlitterChick: 12 poeng :heia:
Skilpadda: 9 poeng
Clubby: 9 poeng
Kaz: 7 poeng
Teofelia: 6 poeng
Marit K: 6 poeng
Tinetoff: 5 poeng

Og her er fasiten

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)
    Kari Bremnes - Københavnerkneipe

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Suzanne Vega - Toms diner

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand
    Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy
    Thin Lizzy - The boys are back in town

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time
    Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love
    Lenny Krawitz - It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    The Beatles - Come together

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together
    Return - Bye Bye Johnny

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.
    Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You


Bequita sa for siden:

Her kunne jeg visst lite... Men moro med quiz! :)

  1. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Susanne Vega - The diner

  2. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    Beatles - Come together (right now, over me :digger:)


LaLuna sa for siden:

  1. Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner

  2. Thin Lizzy - the boys are back in town

  3. Deep Purple - Smoke on the water

  4. Beatles - come together


amylin sa for siden:

Der kjente jeg igjen en god del, men så at fasiten hadde kommet opp.


Eia sa for siden:

Æsj. Kan bare én. Nr. 2 er Tom's diner med Susanne Vega, ikke sant?

... og så så jeg fasiten. OK


Divine sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner

Suzanne Vega: Tom's Diner

  1. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  2. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love

Shania Twain: Your're still the one (??)

  1. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller

Beatles: Come together

  1. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  2. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.


Divine sa for siden:

Ikke vær så kjappe med fasitene, da! :streng:

Ikke det at jeg hadde kommet langt oppå lista med min begredelige innsats ...


Tussa sa for siden:

Er det flaut å berre ta Bye bye Johnny eller? :knegg:

Tok forresten Kari Bremnes også :filer:


Candy Darling sa for siden:

Å, det var jo kommet fasit jo. :mumle:


kiddo sa for siden:

  1. Vi hadde gått langt/ i gamle brusteinsgater/ brusteinsgater er ikke lagd for stilett (dette er ikke akkurat en slager, men den er nydelig)

  2. I am sitting/ in the morning/ At the diner/ On the corner
    Tom's Diner, Suzanne Vega

  3. I climbed up on the mountain/ chop it down with the edge of my hand

  4. Guess who just got back today /Them wild-eyed boys, that'd been away /Haven't changed, had much to say /But man I still think them cats are crazy
    The boys are back in town, Thin Lizzy

5.Black Hole Sun/ In my eyes /Indisposed /In disguise

  1. We all came out to Montreux/ On the Lake Geneva shoreline/ To make records with a mobile/ We didn't have much time

  2. Here we are still together/ we are one /so much time wasted /playing games with love
    It ain't over till it's over, Lenny Kravitz

  3. Here come old flattop/ he come grooving up slowly/ He got joo-joo eyeball/ he one holy roller
    Come together, Beatles

  4. Yesterday you and me and the other people had a party/ But who could know it was the last time/ We got drunk and sang together

  5. Oh!/ Workin' from seven to eleven ev'ry night, /It really makes life a drag,/ I don't think that's right.

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