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Sincerity is not enough!


Skilpadda sa for siden:

Denne er ikke ny, men fremdeles bra. Hentet fra Jon Carrolls spalte i The San Francisco Chronicle april 2005.

The following is the first communique from a group calling itself Unitarian Jihad. It was sent to me at The Chronicle via an anonymous spam remailer. I have no idea whether other news organizations have received this communique, and, if so, why they have not chosen to print it. Perhaps they fear starting a panic. I feel strongly that the truth, no matter how alarming, trivial or disgusting, must always be told. I am pleased to report that the words below are at least not disgusting:

Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States. We are Unitarian Jihad. There is only God, unless there is more than one God. The vote of our God subcommittee is 10-8 in favor of one God, with two abstentions. Brother Flaming Sword of Moderation noted the possibility of there being no God at all, and his objection was noted with love by the secretary.

Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States! Too long has your attention been waylaid by the bright baubles of extremist thought. Too long have fundamentalist yahoos of all religions (except Buddhism -- 14-5 vote, no abstentions, fundamentalism subcommittee) made your head hurt. Too long have you been buffeted by angry people who think that God talks to them. You have a right to your moderation! You have the power to be calm! We will use the IED of truth to explode the SUV of dogmatic expression!

People of the United States, why is everyone yelling at you??? Whatever happened to ... you know, everything? Why is the news dominated by nutballs saying that the Ten Commandments have to be tattooed inside the eyelids of every American, or that Allah has told them to kill Americans in order to rid the world of Satan, or that Yahweh has instructed them to go live wherever they feel like, or that Shiva thinks bombing mosques is a great idea? Sister Immaculate Dagger of Peace notes for the record that we mean no disrespect to Jews, Muslims, Christians or Hindus. Referred back to the committee of the whole for further discussion.

We are Unitarian Jihad. We are everywhere. We have not been born again, nor have we sworn a blood oath. We do not think that God cares what we read, what we eat or whom we sleep with. Brother Neutron Bomb of Serenity notes for the record that he does not have a moral code but is nevertheless a good person, and Unexalted Leader Garrote of Forgiveness stipulates that Brother Neutron Bomb of Serenity is a good person, and this is to be reflected in the minutes.

Beware! Unless you people shut up and begin acting like grown-ups with brains enough to understand the difference between political belief and personal faith, the Unitarian Jihad will begin a series of terrorist-like actions. We will take over television studios, kidnap so-called commentators and broadcast calm, well-reasoned discussions of the issues of the day. We will not try for "balance" by hiring fruitcakes; we will try for balance by hiring non-ideologues who have carefully thought through the issues.

We are Unitarian Jihad. We will appear in public places and require people to shake hands with each other. (Sister Hand Grenade of Love suggested that we institute a terror regime of mandatory hugging, but her motion was not formally introduced because of lack of a quorum.) We will require all lobbyists, spokesmen and campaign managers to dress like trout in public. Televangelists will be forced to take jobs as Xerox repair specialists. Demagogues of all stripes will be required to read Proust out loud in prisons.

We are Unitarian Jihad, and our motto is: "Sincerity is not enough." We have heard from enough sincere people to last a lifetime already. Just because you believe it's true doesn't make it true. Just because your motives are pure doesn't mean you are not doing harm. Get a dog, or comfort someone in a nursing home, or just feed the birds in the park. Play basketball. Lighten up. The world is not out to get you, except in the sense that the world is out to get everyone.

Brother Gatling Gun of Patience notes that he's pretty sure the world is out to get him because everyone laughs when he says he is a Unitarian. There were murmurs of assent around the room, and someone suggested that we buy some Congress members and really stick it to the Baptists. But this was deemed against Revolutionary Principles, and Brother Gatling Gun of Patience was remanded to the Sunday Flowers and Banners committee.

People of the United States! We are Unitarian Jihad! We can strike without warning. Pockets of reasonableness and harmony will appear as if from nowhere! Nice people will run the government again! There will be coffee and cookies in the Gandhi Room after the revolution.

Alle interesserte kan få sitt eget Unitarian Jihad Name. Mitt er Sister Spikey Mace of Enlightened Compassion.


Sitron sa for siden:

[LEFT]Jeg ser at flere og flere slutter seg til Unitarismen, om man kan si det på norsk. Hører flere amerikanere si at de har lett og lett etter en kirke å høre til i mange år og når de fant dette, så fant de noe som passet for seg. Og det er folk av alle religioner. Godt for dem.

The Neutron Bomb of Courteous Debate


Skilpadda sa for siden:

Unitarismen virker som en veldig sympatisk trosretning, med snille og gjennomtenkte mennesker i. Jeg kjenner den bare via omtale fra amerikanske venner.


Maverick sa for siden:

Sister Hand Grenade of Mild Reason ler så hun griner. :grineler:


noen sa for siden:

Utrolig bra.

Som fikk navnet
The Sword of Enlightened Compassion
(Jepp, det er meg det.)


Sitron sa for siden:

Ja, jeg kjenner den også bare via amerikanere. Til felles har de alle at de er venstreorienterte og en smule alternative på ulike måter.


Candy Darling sa for siden:


Hilsen Sister Garrote of Love and Mercy


Tåtti sa for siden:

[CENTER][LEFT]The Jackhammer of Quiet Reflection reporting in. :cool:[/LEFT]


Agent Scully sa for siden:

[CENTER]The Nail Gun of Compassion[/CENTER]


Nenne sa for siden:

Sister Boot Knife of Mild Reason


Esme sa for siden:

Vi er i slekt!
[CENTER]Sister Pepper Spray of Mild Reason[/CENTER]


Nenne sa for siden:

Neimen, så koselig da. :) Vi burde ha slektsstevne.


gajamor sa for siden:


Logging Chain of Warm Humanitarianism


torsk sa for siden:

Jeg likte spesielt dette:


Claymore of Looking at All Sides of the Question


Toffskij sa for siden:

Sister Nunchuku of Enlightened Compassion. :nemlig:


Miss Norway sa for siden:

Sister Howitzer of Sweet Reason


Teofelia sa for siden:

Sister Jackhammer of Love and Mercy melder seg. :knegg:


rajraj sa for siden:

Sister Gatling Gun of Courteous Debate :neie:


Hønni sa for siden:

Bror! :juhu:



[CENTER]Sibling Machine Gun of Looking at All Sides of the Question[/CENTER]


Beckett sa for siden:

Da må jeg også med.

[CENTER]Sister Nail Gun of Mild Reason[/CENTER]


Maverick sa for siden:

Jeg legger merke til at jeg er den mest... eksploderende søsteren av forsiktig, sunn fornuft. :knegg:


Skilpadda sa for siden:

Det er ikke noen dårlig familie dette heller. :rørt:


noen sa for siden:

Det er så vakkert - og fyllt av medfølelse...

(Min første tanke da jeg så mitt nye navn var at nå blir jeg kastet ut av FP pga. kozemozing... :fnis:)


Albertine sa for siden:

[CENTER]Sister Sword of Reasoned Discussion melder seg. :ugh:


Gaia sa for siden:

Fantastisk. :grineler:

Hilsen Sister Sabre of Sweet Reason


Miromurr sa for siden:

Det er jo bare vakkert! Hilsen Sibling Cutlass of Quiet Reflection


Miromurr sa for siden:

Jeg er i slekt med Tåtti! :rørt:


Tåtti sa for siden:


Begynte å bli litt engstelig for at jeg var alene i verden. :nemlig:


Nabbe sa for siden:

Ja, det var det bildet jeg hadde av amerikanske unitarer (er det ikke det det heter på norsk?) som venstre-orienterte og alternative, men to av de tre jeg vet om i Norge som er unitarer, er det stikk motsatte, de er høyrevridde og tildels ganske brune (i alle fall hun ene) i sine holdninger feks til innvandrere, mens den tredje egentlig er ganske mainstream.


Acsa sa for siden:

Hilsen Sister Pepper Spray of Enlightened Compassion


Optimist sa for siden:

Hey, sister!! Hilsen Sister Atom Bomb of Reasoned Discussion! :digger:


DM sa for siden:

[CENTER]The Garrote of Quiet Reflection[/CENTER]

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