Min mor holder på med et strikkeprosjekt i Kazo i Uganda. Kort fortalt så går prosjektet ut på å strikke 50 tepper til det lokale sykehuset.
Limer inn litt mer informasjon (hvis noen ønsker mer bakgrunnsinfo send meg en PM): (Project Components specified 1 of 4: ) Specific objective: To introduce the knitting tradition from Norway to Kazo community and support Kazo Health Centre with blankets
a)holding a 8 days workshop in Kazo in October 2008 in collaboration with 4 participants from Norway and four students from Kyambogo University, Kampala
b)making 15 blankets during the workshop
c)continuing the knitting-program in the Crafts Café and coordinated and led by the 20 workshop participants
d)train the local people in the skills of knitting in cooperation with Norwegian and Ugandan knitters
e)gain and exchange knowledge about knitting and the tradition of knitting in Uganda and Norway
Hvis noen har restegarn, eller garn dere ikke har bruk for så tar vi gjerne i mot, vi kan hente i Oslo og omegn.
Jeg skal ta en liten runde og sjekke, men er redd alt av rester gikk på søpla når vi ryddet ut av kjelleren dessverre.
Men kan jo håpe jeg har tatt var på noe.
Kan jeg spørre hva som er formålet med dette prosjektet? På sikt, tenker jeg på. Hvilken organisasjon står bak?
Fikk litt en følelse av at dette var et husflidsprosjekt, og det syns jeg personlig var menigsløst. Jeg lurer også på om disse damene i Uganda vil ha tilgang til garn senere, og hvor mye det egentlig er reelt for dem å drive å strikke.
Det kan nok betegnes som et husflidsprosjekt, selv om jeg faktisk er litt usikker på hva du legger i ordet. Når det gjelder garn så kan jeg ikke svare på spørsmålet ditt, men jeg vil tro at du nok har helt rett i at det ikke vil være så lett å få tak i norsk strikkegarn. (Min mors studenter har strikket med andre, lokale naturmaterialer også.)
Her er litt mer informasjon, strikkeprosjektet er en del av et større prosjekt.
Community Based Initiatives (CBI) and NaCuHeal Int. based in Norway are in the process of implementing community developments projects. The NaCuHeal International´s Health supporting communities manifesto focus in their vision on what is positive as a start for development. “We believe that an increased focus on what contributes to human vitality and ability to handle everyday’s challenges and possibilities is fundamental. This regards both physical, cultural and social activities as well as those psychological and spiritual additions that give life force. In practice this means that we value all that indeed is good. We believe that it is helpful to practice seeing positive possibilities and to learn from good examples. We believe that such emphasis makes it easier to deal with negative aspects of society, community and personal lives”.
On the other hand, Community Based Initiatives (CBI) has a vision of creating a community fully aware of its potential and capacities to turn the available resources they own into developmental initiatives. It is against this background that the two have linked together for future collaboration.
To create a forum for exchange of ideas, skills, resources and experiences between the people of Uganda and Norway for community development.
<strong>What do we have to do?</strong>
This collaboration will create a framework in which development of various projects at any given time for an initial period of 5 years will be developed.
1.To provide a forum for cultural exchange between Norway and Uganda
2.To initiate a Health supporting community project
3.To revive and develope traditional craft culture
<strong><u>PROJECT COMPONENTS</u></strong>
1.<strong><u> Knitting and health</u></strong>
Specific objective:
To introduce the knitting tradition from Norway to Kazo community and support Kazo Health Centre with blankets.
This will involve local participants who will work with participants from Norway. The project will develope the skills of knitting that could be common in Kazo before, and will also through the work provide blankets for the center. The knitting will aim at creating 50 blankets, one for each bed in the center.
In addition it will equip the community with knitting skills and increase interests that will eventually lead into a multiplier effect.
2.<strong><u> Cultural exchange</u> </strong>
Specific Objective:
Getting new knowledge by meeting and discussing new cultures and the related crafts
E.g. through Peace Corps or other organizations and students on long vacations.
This will involve placements of individuals in both communities of Kazo and Norway to work with the community in Art and Crafts, Health, Education, Environment, Food, Nutrition, Community Mobilization and Income Generation.
3.<strong><u> Crafts café</u>:</strong>
Specific objective:
A <em>place for </em><em>allowing your own cultural background meet another and mix it with your own to further development</em>
A marketing outlet a way of presenting local crafts and training center; crafts cafe will be set up as a centre where participants can receive training and exhibit their work such as crafts and others like processed food items. This will also serve as a training centre for reviving traditional crafts. For this to happen, there is need for identification of skilled persons, skills development in different areas the local people are familiar with, storytelling, poetry, folksongs, music and making traditional food. The items developed will also be sent to Norway for exhibition and sale. This will empower the communities and contribute to reduction of House Hold poverty
4.<strong><u> Nature, culture and health</u></strong>
Specific objective:
To identify and experiece the connection between nature, culture and health
This will involve both the young and the old. It will aim at promoting those indigenous herbal plants that are faced with extinction and less known to the young. It will also involve school gardens and competitions of indigenous knowledge.
This can encourage the new generation to learn about the resorces in the nature for crafts, for food, environmental protection and mental health.