Er det noen som kjenner de korrekte, norske termene for 'sensors', 'intuitives', 'thinkers', feelers', 'perceivers' og 'judgers' i denne sammenheng?
(Altså; jeg forstår betydningen, men trenger de korrekte begrepene som brukes på norsk.)
ENTP-er er morsomme og kule, i alle fall de jeg kjenner. :) (Men nå er egentlig de fleste jeg kjenner morsomme og kule, så kanskje det sier mer om meg enn om ENTP-er. :knegg: ) Selv er jeg INFJ. Vi er veldig dype og følsomme. :nemlig:
ENTJ ble jeg, gitt! Sist jeg prøvde meg var jeg I-et-eller-annet-J.
Blitt ekstrovert i mellomtiden gitt. Jeg ble ENTJ på en annen test også, så da stemmer det sikkert...
Det er i hvert fall jeg. Tok den i forbindelse i et BI-kurs, men husker ikke reusltatet. Så hvis noen klarer å fiske frem en elektronisk utgave av den, blir jeg også takknemlig.
Jeg var også INTJ da jeg tok testen for mange år siden, men da jeg nevnte det på et seminar nylig, kom det sterke protester fra de andre, "Du er da ikke I".
Så kanskje jeg også er blitt ekstrovert i mellomtiden? Får ta testen ved passende anledning, nå må jeg lese organisasjonspsykologi.
Den er vanskeligere å få hode og hale på enn de tre andre parene, ja. Slik jeg har forstått det, sier disse noe om hvorvidt man foretrekker å holde mulighetene åpne (P) eller å ha tatt en avgjørelse (J). Mer typisk P er å ville ha mer informasjon før man bestemmer seg (derfor "Perceiving"), at man ikke liker å kutte vekk noen av valgmulighetene, at man kanskje er flinkere til å sette i gang ting enn å avslutte dem, at man kanskje er mer fleksibel. Mer typisk J er at man blir stresset over å vente med avgjørelser, at man liker å planlegge mer i detalj, ha klare strukturer og ikke ta ting på sparket; at man føler seg mer vel når en avgjørelse er tatt (derfor "Judging"), og at man ikke liker å ha ufullførte prosjekter liggende. Noe større behov for det man kaller "closure".
Toffen og jeg er bare tilsynelatende tvillinger. INFJ og INTJ fremstår som veldig like, og oppfatter hverandre også som ganske like. Hovedforskjellen tror jeg er at INTJ-er faktisk ikke bryr seg om hva andre synes om dem. INFJ-er bryr seg, men er bare ganske flinke til å skjule det. ;)
IN-er er kraftig overrepresentert på Internettfora, vil jeg gjette. Og på et diskusjonsforum vil kanskje INT-er være enda mer overrepresentert enn INF-er. I RL tror jeg INTJ er en forholdsvis sjelden type.
Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind... In fact, I do believe that that's one of the definitions for the word "FREAK."
Freak's not such a bad word to describe you actually.
You are deep, complex, secretive and extremely difficult to understand. If that doesn't scream "Freak!" I don't know what does. No-one actually knows the REAL you, do they?
You probably have deep interests in creative expression as well as issues of spirituality and human development.
You've probably even been called a "psychic" before, because of your uncanny knack to understand and "read" people without quite knowing how you do it. Don't fret. You're not actually psychic. That would make you special and you'll never accomplish that.
You're also quite possible the most emotional of them all, so don't take this all too hard. Nevertheless you most definitely have the strangest personality type and that's not necessarily a good thing.
Talked to another human being lately? I'm serious. You value knowledge above ALL else. You love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. The fact that nobody else cares still hasn't become apparent to you...
Nerd's a great word to describe you, and I seriously couldn't care less about the different definitions of the word and why you're actually more of a geek than a nerd. Don't pretend you weren't thinking that. You want every single miniscule fact and theory to be presented correctly.
Critical? Sarcastic? Cynical? Pessimistic? Just a few words to describe you when you're at your very best...cough Sorry, I mean worst. Picking up the dudes or dudettes isn't something you find easy, but don't worry too much about it. You can blame it on your personality type now.
On top of all this, you're shy. Nice one, wench. No wonder you're on OKCupid!
Now, quickly go and delete everything about "theoretical questions" from your profile page. As long as nobody tries to start a conversation with you, just MAYBE you'll now have a chance of picking up a date. But don't get your hopes up.
I am interested though. If a tree fell over in a forest, would it really make a sound?
Prick- ENTP
80% Extraversion, 80% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 33% Judging People love to hate you, because you love to argue. The strange thing is you probably took that as a compliment. Why, I bet you've already got a witty comeback all lined up ready to throw right back at me. What you don't realise is that your inane obsession with debating pisses everyone off. Whatever happened to us all trying to get alone? I mean, you're so annoying people disagree with you for the damn sake of it! NOBODY cares about your abundant opinions. Trust me.
Believe it or not, but there's more to life than your expansive knowledge and sharp repertoire. When was the last time you showered? Brushed your teeth?
While you're up in Nevernever land, getting excited over future possibilities and your crazy theories, WE have to put up with your awful stench. I can smell you from here.
Your personality is ideal for that of a future lawyer and because everyone already hates you, you have nothing to lose.
Almost Perfect- INFP
20% Extraversion, 86% Intuition, 26% Thinking, 20% Judging So, you want to make the world a better place? Too bad it's never gonna happen.
Of all the types, you have to be one of the hardest to find fault in. You have a selfless and caring nature. You're a good listener and someone who wants to avoid conflict. You genuinely desire to do good.
Of course, these all add up to an incredibly overpowered conscience which makes you feel guilty and responsible when anything goes wrong. Of course, it MUST be your fault EVERYTIME.
Though you're constantly on a mission to find the truth, you have no use for hard facts and logic, which is a source of great confusion for those of us with brains. Despite this, in a losing argument, you're not above spouting off inaccurate fact after fact in an effort to protect your precious values.
You're most probably a perfectionist, which in this case, is a bad thing. Any group work is destined to fail because of your incredibly high standards. Disregard what I said before. You're just easy to find fault in as everyone else! Luckily, you're generally very hard on yourself, meaning I don't need to waste my precious time insulting you. Instead, just find all your own faults and insult yourself.
Crackpot - INTJ
26% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 66% Judging
People hate you.
Paris Hilton hates Nicole Richie. Lex Luther hates Superman. Garfield hates Mondays.
But none these even rates against the insurmountable hate, people have for you.
I mean, you're pretty damn clever and you know it. You love to flaunt your potential. Heard the word "arrogant" lately? How about "jerk?" Or perhaps they only say that behind your back.
That's right. I know I can say this cause you're not going to cry. You're not exactly the most emotional person. You'd rather spend time with your theoretical questions and abstract theories than with other people.
Ever been kissed? Ever even been on a date? Trust me, your inflated ego is a complete turnoff with the opposite sex and I am telling you, you're not that great with relationships as it is. You're never going to be a dude or chick magnet, purely because you're more concerned with yourself than others. Meh. They all hate you already anyway.
How about this- "stubborn?" Hrm? Heard that lately? All those facts which don't fit your theories must just be wrong, right? I mean, really, the vast amounts of time you spend with your head in the're just plain strange.
Prick- ENTP
93% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 73% Thinking, 33% Judging People love to hate you, because you love to argue. The strange thing is you probably took that as a compliment. Why, I bet you've already got a witty comeback all lined up ready to throw right back at me. What you don't realise is that your inane obsession with debating pisses everyone off. Whatever happened to us all trying to get alone? I mean, you're so annoying people disagree with you for the damn sake of it! NOBODY cares about your abundant opinions. Trust me.
Believe it or not, but there's more to life than your expansive knowledge and sharp repertoire. When was the last time you showered? Brushed your teeth? While you're up in Nevernever land, getting excited over future possibilities and your crazy theories, WE have to put up with your awful stench. I can smell you from here. Your personality is ideal for that of a future lawyer and because everyone already hates you, you have nothing to lose.
Scumbag- ENFP
60% Extraversion, 86% Intuition, 40% Thinking, 20% Judging I have a feeling you're not going to like this much. Do I care? No. How do I know? It's because you hate criticism. You love to be loved and you'll do anything to be accepted.
Unfortunately for you, I can see right through your insincere compliments and over-the-top greetings. No matter what you do, I'll always hate you for what you are. An arrogant, unstable, overly enthusiastic scumbag.
I bet you're pretty proud of your accomplishments, huh? You seem to achieve at whatever you put your little mind too. Trust me. Nobody likes the person who is good at everything. NOBODY LIKES YOU.
This might also have something to do with the fact that you're a cheating machine. You're just not the type of person to make long-term commitments. You enjoy seeing "what could be", rather than being satisfied with "what is." This, of course, means you often leave others in the dust while you seek out another lover. Well, at least you're not the one left in the dust. Unfortunately, when you're the one lying in the gutter with a bloody knife in your back, you might think differently.
Jeg får forskjellig resultat for hver test jeg tar. Jeg kan da ikke skifte helt personlighet med dagsformen?
E'en er det eneste alle resultatene har til felles.
Dagens resultat ble imidlertid dette.
Commander - ESTP
60% Extraversion, 33% Intuition, 60% Thinking, 36% Judging It's all about action with you, isn't it? You're outgoing and right to the point. Fast moving, fast talking and often fast spending. Your motto is "Just DO it." Wow. You move faster than the Flash on a treadmill. (Yes. I could have thought up something cleverer than that. But honestly, you're just not worth my time.)
To carry on the superhero theme, you're comparable to the Hulk. Except you're uglier. And you're slightly more intimidating. People flinch when you're around for fear you might exert your dominance and order them to do 50 press-ups.
Perhaps if you calmed down a little, people wouldn't be so scared of you. Of course, something would have to be done about your face. Is plastic surgery an option?
This insatiable appetite for action means that you're not exactly into long term commitments. You get bored incredibly quickly and tend to jump in and out of relationships like the Energiser Bunny.
Eventually you're going to run out of people to bounce to, and you will end up a very lonely and hated individual
Jeg har tatt denne testen en gang "på ordentlig" og endte opp som ENFJ. Når jeg tok denne her endte jeg som ISFJ og det klarer jeg ikke helt å identifisere meg med.
Jeg mener nok at jeg er mer Busybody enn Pushover.
One word. Boring. Sums you up to a tee. You're responsible, trustworthy, serious and down to earth. Boring. Boring. Boring.
You play by the rules. You follow tradition. You encourage structure.
You insist that EVERYBODY do EVERYTHING by the book. Seriously, is there even an ounce of imagination in that little brain of yours? I mean, what's the point of imagination, right? It has no practical value...
As far as you're concerned, abstract theories can go screw themselves. You just want the facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts.
Oh. And you're a perfectionist. About everything. You know that the previous sentence was gramattically incorrect and that "gramattically" was spelt wrong. Your financial records are correct to 25 decimal places and your bedroom is in pristine condition. In fact, you even don't sleep on your bed anymore for fear that you might crease the sheets. Thankfully, you don't have anyone else to share the bed with, because you're uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Too bad.
Jeg kjenner meg overhodet ikke igjen i at jeg skal være ryddig av meg, rent husmormessig sett. Jeg er en ordentlig rotekopp. :rolleyes:
Have you no soul? It's clear you have no heart and that your blood runs cold, but really, do you have even one redeeming factor?
Sure. You're a natural born leader. So was Hitler. You just don't like people, do you?
You don't play games. You take charge. And there's very little room for mistakes in your world. You're forceful, intimidating and overbearing.
Heard of the word "patience?" Trust me, it's a word and it's something you're sorely lacking. Believe it or not, you're not always right. Learn to have some patience for those who think differently from you, knobflap.
From the way people's knees knock when they see you, you should have realised by now that you're not exactly a "people-person." You're more of a "people-eater." You just ain't tuned into people's feelings and probably couldn't care less whether you were anyway. Maybe you're not from this planet but the rest of us are. Sure, you're intelligent. So what? You have some semblance of power. Big deal. At least people LIKE the rest of us.
Pfst. Jeg som sa at jeg ble goofy av babyer og alt. :snurt:
Hah. Nice one. How does it feel to know that you're barely unique? Of all the personality types you could have had, you ended up with the most common in all of America. In a group of 100 Americans, 12.8 of them will be just like you.
I bet you feel sorry for that one person missing 20% of his body. I bet you want to help him out, don't you? Cause that's what you like to do, isn't it? Help people. You don't want to save the world. You just want to help people out.
Sound pretty good so far? Sorry, but you're just plain pathetic. You let people walk all over you all the time, because everyone knows that you just can't say "no." When you get time, email me your contact details. It�s always good to know where I can find another helping hand.
What the hell is your problem? GET A LIFE! Stop cleaning other people's houses and go out and have a bit of fun every now and then. Sure, you feel responsible for doing what needs to be done, but sometimes it's just not you who needs to do it.
You're dependable, predictable and practicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Whoops, that was me falling asleep on the keyboard. You're just not the most fun person. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can go hang out with your other 12.8 mates, helping out at the soup kitchen together. Woohoo!
<img class="bbimg" src="" />
Rules are rules, right? They are there to be followed and an upstanding citizen like you would not even consider breaking or even bending the laws a little.
That's all very fine and dandy, though it doesn't make you the most fun person to be around. In fact, many would find rolling around naked in a barrel full of drawing pins more fun than being around you.
The word "stiff-necked" comes to mind. You take your responsibilities very seriously and have very little patience for anyone who doesn't.
You can be incredibly demanding and critical, somewhat akin to a teacher who is also incredibly demanding and critical. Oh, and that's another thing. Your imagination is sorely lacking. So much so that it's virtually non-existent. Well, you have no time for creativity with all these rules to follow.
At least, your rigid values ensure that you're always honest... which means you have no qualms telling your wife that, yes, she really does look fat in that dress. Don't expect many relationships to last very long.
So far, we've established that you're bland, inflexible, offensive and no fun at all. Kind of like a bag of salt-lacking potato chips, a year past its expiry date, with a bold phrase insulting your mother printed on the front. But less fun.
I have a feeling you're not going to like this much. Do I care? No. How do I know? It's because you hate criticism. You love to be loved and you'll do anything to be accepted.
Unfortunately for you, I can see right through your insincere compliments and over-the-top greetings. No matter what you do, I'll always hate you for what you are. An arrogant, unstable, overly enthusiastic scumbag.
I bet you're pretty proud of your accomplishments, huh? You seem to achieve at whatever you put your little mind too. Trust me. Nobody likes the person who is good at everything. NOBODY LIKES YOU.
This might also have something to do with the fact that you're a cheating machine. You're just not the type of person to make long-term commitments. You enjoy seeing "what could be", rather than being satisfied with "what is." This, of course, means you often leave others in the dust while you seek out another lover.
Well, at least you're not the one left in the dust. Unfortunately, when you're the one lying in the gutter with a bloody knife in your back, you might think differently.
:lalala: sammen med AprilRyan ... Jeg husker aldri hva jeg blir på sånne tester. E-en er jeg klar over, men de andre husker jeg ikke. :må lete:
I have a feeling you're not going to like this much. Do I care? No. How do I know? It's because you hate criticism. You love to be loved and you'll do anything to be accepted.
Unfortunately for you, I can see right through your insincere compliments and over-the-top greetings. No matter what you do, I'll always hate you for what you are. An arrogant, unstable, overly enthusiastic scumbag.
I bet you're pretty proud of your accomplishments, huh? You seem to achieve at whatever you put your little mind too. Trust me. Nobody likes the person who is good at everything. NOBODY LIKES YOU.
This might also have something to do with the fact that you're a cheating machine. You're just not the type of person to make long-term commitments. You enjoy seeing "what could be", rather than being satisfied with "what is." This, of course, means you often leave others in the dust while you seek out another lover.
Well, at least you're not the one left in the dust. Unfortunately, when you're the one lying in the gutter with a bloody knife in your back, you might think differently.
ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it.
One word. Boring. Sums you up to a tee. You're responsible, trustworthy, serious and down to earth. Boring. Boring. Boring.
You play by the rules. You follow tradition. You encourage structure.
You insist that EVERYBODY do EVERYTHING by the book. Seriously, is there even an ounce of imagination in that little brain of yours? I mean, what's the point of imagination, right? It has no practical value...
As far as you're concerned, abstract theories can go screw themselves. You just want the facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts.
Oh. And you're a perfectionist. About everything. You know that the previous sentence was gramattically incorrect and that "gramattically" was spelt wrong. Your financial records are correct to 25 decimal places and your bedroom is in pristine condition. In fact, you even don't sleep on your bed anymore for fear that you might crease the sheets.
Thankfully, you don't have anyone else to share the bed with, because you're uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Too bad.
:knegg: Stemmer overhode ikke, men jeg stemte litt på dagsformen da, var mange spørsmål jeg "vanligvis" hadde svart helt annet på. Også kreve å velge mellom Lost og FF da, det er jo umulig. :snurt: know that sensitive mamsy-pansy sap I was talking about earlier? Yeah. Well, someone had to get it and you pulled the short straw. Now pull yourself together, crybaby.
You are quite possible one of the most sensitive people I know and I don't even know you! You care what each and every single person thinks about you. You're the kind of person who sends around a txt to everyone they know saying "i thnk ur prtty. wat do u thnk abt me? rate me frm 1-5."
That's 1 meaning "I hate you" and 5 meaning "You make me vomit when I look at you." You're still crying, aren't you?
Sure. All you want is for someone to appreciate you once in a while. Aww... Boohoo. Hold a pity party sometime. The garden's free. Lots of worms down there. Big ones. Small ones. Squishy ones.
My guess is you don't understand this test one bit. You can't imagine how anyone could be so insulting or why anyone could find it even remotely amusing...STOP THE DAMN WATERWORKS, WOMAN! Naive is a word that needs to be branded on your forehead... Alright, now I feel bad. Sure, you do have some redeeming factors, just not many. Sorry.
<strong>40% Extraversion, 20% Intuition, 46% Thinking, 46% Judging</strong>
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Ahh...the sweet serenity. The utter perfection of all creation. The wondrous beauty of nature. The sweet sparrow singing along in the great orchestra we call life...
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? You're the type of person people always love to mock because they don't believe there's anyone ACTUALLY like you.
Do realise that you ostracise people with your behaviour or is it all subconscious? You're so quiet and reserved it's almost impossible to get to know you well, and when someone finally does, all you want to talk about is grace and beauty and harmony!
Ugh. Sure, you "genuinely care for others" and all that rubbish, but when it boils right down to the basics you take life far too seriously.
Throughout the entire test, I bet you were searching for "further clarification and hidden meaning" so that you might improve your pitiful life. And woe and behold if it betrayed your intense values system!
You need to STOP smelling the daisies. Believe it or not, logic does have a place in this world...imbecile.
<strong>46% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 33% Thinking, 53% Judging</strong>
<img class="bbimg" src="" />
Well, well, well. How did someone like you end up with the least common personality type of them all? In a group of 100 Americans, only 0.5 others would be just like you. You really are one of a kind... In fact, I do believe that that's one of the definitions for the word "FREAK."
Freak's not such a bad word to describe you actually.
You are deep, complex, secretive and extremely difficult to understand. If that doesn't scream "Freak!" I don't know what does. No-one actually knows the REAL you, do they?
You probably have deep interests in creative expression as well as issues of spirituality and human development.
You've probably even been called a "psychic" before, because of your uncanny knack to understand and "read" people without quite knowing how you do it. Don't fret. You're not actually psychic. That would make you special and you'll never accomplish that.
You're also quite possible the most emotional of them all, so don't take this all too hard. Nevertheless you most definitely have the strangest personality type and that's not necessarily a good thing.
I den andre testen ble jeg først INFP - Almost perfect. :knegg: Freak eller Perfect? :rolleyes:
Den... alternative varianten av testen har jeg ikke sett før! Jeg måtte jo bare teste da selvsagt, og ble som vanlig ESTJ.
Do Gooder- ESTJ
73% Extraversion, 13% Intuition, 67% Thinking, 53% Judging So far, we've established that you're bland, inflexible, offensive and no fun at all. Kind of like a bag of salt-lacking potato chips, a year past its expiry date, with a bold phrase insulting your mother printed on the front. But less fun.
Og så en bønn for sånne som meg og liknende: God, help me to not try to RUN everything. But, if You need some help, just ask!
:knegg: Jeg biter meg for øvrig merke i at jeg har omtrent identisk profil som Sitronen. Nemlig.
På den andre testen var jeg INTJ, som jeg nok føler er ganske riktig, men på denne ble jeg ISTJ. Det stemmer nok litt det også, for jeg er en utrolig kjedelig person.
Jeg fant en oversikt over hvilken religion som passer best for forskjellige personlighetstyper, og jeg kopierer den skamløst inn her uten å spørre noen om lov:
Jeg er ateist, men burde vært agnostiker. Jeg får se om jeg kan finne en bibel eller et Jomfru Maria-ansikt i en vaffel eller noe, sånn at jeg kan bli litt mer fylt av tvil.
Hm... jeg har gått fra å være konstant INFJ på alle sånne tester jeg tok (av og til ISFJ) for 4-5 år siden til å være ESTJ nå, hver gang. Noen som kan forklare meg hva det betyr - sånn type "hva har skjedd med meg"?
m^2 - jeg var ENFJ lenge, nå er jeg konsekvent INFJ. Det stemmer kjennes det ut som. Jeg føler meg annerledes.
Men nå var ikke E veldig utpreget på meg da. Og I er ikke det heller. Og beskrivelsen av typene kjennes ganske riktige ut begge to, litt avhengig av om det er mandag eller torsdag sånn ca.
Ellers mente jeg det sto et eller annet sted her inne at under sterkt stress så kunne man noen ganger bli veldig lik en lite moden utgave av sin motsatte personlighet? Sånn at jeg blir en ESTP sånn ca. Hva nå enn det er for noe? :skeptisk:
53% Extraversion, 13% Intuition, 87% Thinking, 40% Judging
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It's all about action with you, isn't it? You're outgoing and right to the point. Fast moving, fast talking and often fast spending. Your motto is "Just DO it." Wow. You move faster than the Flash on a treadmill. (Yes. I could have thought up something cleverer than that. But honestly, you're just not worth my time.)
To carry on the superhero theme, you're comparable to the Hulk. Except you're uglier. And you're slightly more intimidating. People flinch when you're around for fear you might exert your dominance and order them to do 50 press-ups.
Perhaps if you calmed down a little, people wouldn't be so scared of you. Of course, something would have to be done about your face. Is plastic surgery an option?
This insatiable appetite for action means that you're not exactly into long term commitments. You get bored incredibly quickly and tend to jump in and out of relationships like the Energiser Bunny.
Eventually you're going to run out of people to bounce to, and you will end up a very lonely and hated individual.
Jeg fikk det samme, Sitron. ESTP - 67% Extraversion, 27% Intuition, 67% Thinking, 47% Judging. Det er totalt forskjellig fra hva jeg fikk sist, på den andre testen! :fnise: Jeg kjenner meg ikke akkurat igjen i beskrivelsen, gitt.
Jeg fikk nå ISTJ på en annen test - 22 % introverted, 12 % sensing, 25 % thinking, 33 % judging. Antakelig er jeg enten en spaltet personlighet eller temmelig dårlig i engelsk. :humre: Jeg er nok litt ustabil, i alle fall, det er ikke noe nytt.
47% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 47% Thinking, 40% Judging
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So, you want to make the world a better place? Too bad it's never gonna happen. Of all the types, you have to be one of the hardest to find fault in. You have a selfless and caring nature. You're a good listener and someone who wants to avoid conflict. You genuinely desire to do good.
Of course, these all add up to an incredibly overpowered conscience which makes you feel guilty and responsible when anything goes wrong. Of course, it MUST be your fault EVERYTIME.
Though you're constantly on a mission to find the truth, you have no use for hard facts and logic, which is a source of great confusion for those of us with brains. Despite this, in a losing argument, you're not above spouting off inaccurate fact after fact in an effort to protect your precious values.
You're most probably a perfectionist, which in this case, is a bad thing. Any group work is destined to fail because of your incredibly high standards.
Disregard what I said before. You're just easy to find fault in as everyone else!
Luckily, you're generally very hard on yourself, meaning I don't need to waste my precious time insulting you. Instead, just find all your own faults and insult yourself.
Jeg tror jeg må være en raring :hehehe: På disse testene blir jeg ESFP. På Skilpaddas to linker er dette beskrevet som en "clown" eller ESFP: God, help me to take things more seriously, especially parties and dancing.
Dette stemmer virkelig ikke særlig bra.
I virkeligheten får jeg ofte høre at jeg er roligheten selv, stabil og stødig. Det stemmer heller ikke.
Ingen samsvar i testen, omgivelsenes oppfatning av meg eller egen oppfatning av meg= store personlighetsforstyrrelser? :knegg:
Foreldreportalen er i en flytteprosess, denne versjonen av FP er fortsatt under utvikling.
Hvis du vil svare i tråden, så kan du gjøre det her.